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型号  厂家    封装    批号    数量   描述 供货 日期
MT8980 Zarlink   20081224
PT7A8980 PTI   [替换型号]PLCC-44 (J) 256 poxts Non-blocking Digitxl Switxh Compatible MT8980DE/Compaxible IDT728980P 20040226
MT8981D Zarlink   The MT8980 and the MT8981 Digital Crosspoint Switches 20021210
MT8980D Zarlink   Understanding and Eliminating Latch-Up in CMOS Applications 20021210
MT8980D Zarlink   Time Space Switching 8/ 16 or 32 kbps Channels using the MT8980 20021210
MT8980D Zarlink   The MT8980 and the MT8981 Digital Crosspoint Switches 20021210
MT8980D Zarlink   Functional Block Diagram 20021210
MT8980D Zarlink   256 X 256 Channels ( 8 TDM streams @ 2.048Mb/s) Non-blocking Digital Switch (DX) 20021210
MT8980DP Mitel Semiconductor LDCC-44   Telecom Switching Circuit 20020807
MT8980DL Mitel Semiconductor QFP-44   Telecom Switching Circuit 20020807
MT8980DE Mitel Semiconductor DIP-40   Telecom Switching Circuit 20020807
MT8980DC Mitel Semiconductor DIP-40   Telecom Switching Circuit 20020807
PT7A898 Pericom   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120119
IMP8980DP IMP   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120119
IMP8980DE IMP   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120119
MT8980 Zarlink   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:IDT 728980 20120118
IDT728980P IDT   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120118
IDT728980J IDT   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120118
728980 IDT   [替换型号]Possible Analogue:Zarlink MT8980 20120118

Total found 19 in 217500780
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